Become a Member
Kansas Grown! is looking for growers of all generations, entrepreneurs with artistic talents, and producers of all things delicious!
How Do I Apply?
1. Please review our Bylaws and Operational Rules to ensure that your business is eligible for membership with our organization.
2. If you are selling food products, please ensure that you are in compliance with KDA's licensing & labeling requirements. (Please provide copies of any licenses held)
3. You must provide a copy of your Kansas Retailers' Sales Tax Certificate. (see example)
4. Your business must have liability insurance coverage in accordance with 4L of our Operational Rules; and provide a Certificate of Insurance listing "Kansas Grown! Inc." as additional insured. (see example)
5. Provide several product photos with your application (and for use in your vendor profile, if approved).
6. Fill out the Membership Application, including all necessary information & attachments. Your application cannot be processed until all required documents are submitted.
7. Your application will then be reviewed by our Board of Directors, which can take up to 2 weeks. Considerations may include: meeting the guidelines set forth in our Operational Rules, adherence to federal & state regulations, uniqueness/quality of products, current diversity of product selection, and current vendor openings within each product category, among others. You will be notified via email of your acceptance or denial.
To become a member of Kansas Grown! Inc., and to be permitted to sell products at Kansas Grown! Farmers Market, the undersigned hereby agrees to the following conditions:
To accurately complete all information requested on this form.
That I have fully read and understand this form as well as the following documents: 1) Bylaws of Kansas Grown! Inc., and 2) Operational Rules for Kansas Grown ! Inc.
That if I am selling produce or food products, I have also read and understand the following document: Food Safety Guidelines for Kansas Farmers Market Vendors: Regulations and and Best Practices.
To sell only as a producer, Kansas-grown or produced products at the Kansas Grown! Inc., Farmers’ Market, and not have annual gross sales of more than $225,000 per year.
That I am in complete compliance with all requirements set forth in the above referenced documents and will abide by all rules of conduct.
That all disputes or grievances regarding membership issues or issues relating to the operation of the Farmers Market will be resolved exclusively through the established grievance procedure.
That membership and sales privileges at the Farmers Market may be revoked by the Market Manager or the Grievance Committee in accordance with the procedures established.
To abide by the decision of the Board of Directors, which has the exclusive authority to approve or deny any membership.
To hold harmless and release from all liability, Kansas Grown! Inc., as well as its Directors and the members of the Grievance Committee with respect to the performance of their duties regarding enforcement of the Bylaws, Operational Rules and Code of Conduct.
To provide a copy of a valid Kansas sales tax registration certificate, and a certificate of business liability insurance, along with any other licenses that may be required.
That I am 18 years of age or older.
That I will pay the annual membership dues ($100 for full membership, or $50 for provisionals) upon approval of this application.

Applications submitted between January 1 - February 28 are eligible for a Full Membership (to attend any of our markets). Applications submitted between March 1 - August 31 are eligible for a Provisional Membership (to attend our Derby market only). Applications will NOT be accepted after August 31.
All new applications must be reviewed by the Board of Directors; this process can take up to 2 weeks. Any further questions will be sent to the email address provided on your application. Applications can NOT be processed until all required documents are received.
Considerations may include: meeting the guidelines set forth in our Bylaws & Operational Rules, adherence to federal & state regulations, uniqueness/quality of products, current diversity of product selection, and current vendor openings within each product category, among others.
The review process can take up to 2 weeks; you will be notified of acceptance or denial after your application has been processed. If your application is approved, you will then be asked to submit the required annual dues.
Please be sure to add ksgrowninc@gmail.com to your contact list so that you don’t miss any important communications!
If you prefer to fill out our paper membership application instead of applying online, you may download and print a copy HERE.
Paper applications can be returned to a market manager at either location during regular market hours. Keep in mind that paper applications may take an additional 1-2 weeks to process.